- Sony cyber hack reveals bosses wanted to pay Jennifer Lawrence less than … – The Independent http://t.co/CSPTWJrUD4 ->
- Android 'DeathRing' malware being pre-loaded on cheap smartphones | CSO Online http://t.co/mBLanxidn1 ->
- Sony Pictures hack – a PR car crash from which company may never recover – The Guardian http://t.co/E7fF2xFwrc ->
- What I Took Away From The Operation Cleaver (#OpCleaver) report http://t.co/1n730ayhVR ->
- FBI warns U.S. energy and defense firms over hacking threat – Digital Trends http://t.co/PXhzXwLjzf ->
- A Breakdown and Analysis of the December, 2014 Sony Hack http://t.co/n8If3MBoys ->