- Sony hacking: Internet's new game of whodunit continues – Press Herald http://t.co/Mvg4Am56st ->
- Inside the Ring: Four-star spymaster behind North Korean hacking – Washington Times http://t.co/WNpC2z5UCb ->
- Inside the Ring: Four-star spymaster behind North Korean hacking – Washington Times http://t.co/N2IxDt2GSR ->
- Russia offers sympathy to North Korea over Sony hacking scandal – Fox Business http://t.co/11ZenUFrjH ->
- Russia offers support to North Korea amid Sony hack – Yahoo News http://t.co/JrRlvMDEHX ->
- Secure your new tech toys against hacking – CBS News – CBS News ​Secure your new tech toys against hacking CBS Ne… http://t.co/NPxeFYrfNY ->
- Sony hackers fail to deliver 'Christmas gift' they said would ruin the studio … – Daily Mail http://t.co/631VuITGs1 ->