This list reflects key references for deeper information on threats:
- CrucialPointLLC: Information on cybersecurity, technology due diligence consulting, and CTO advisory services.
- The Cuckoo’s Egg: Exciting first person account of Cliff Stoll’s tracking of a cyber spy.
- The yearly Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report: Insights from a growing community of cyber defenders
- Passwords a pain in your life? David Pogue of the NYT calls Dashlane’s password manager “life-changingly great.”
- The Cyber Council of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA): Providing white papers and studies on cyber intelligence
- The Feb 2013 APT1 report by Mandiant: Important details of one of many actors in cyberspace.
- A Fierce Domain: Conflict In Cyberspace: The definitive work on cyber history.
- Cyber Adversary Characterization: A key reference for technical defenders that helped ensure our head was on right. We recommend it for the more technically inclined.
- The Insider Threat focus area of the CERT CC: Studies on elements of insider threat very useful for defenders
- Cyberpower and National Security: Great insights into the potential for state on state cyber actions.
- Information Warfare: The first edition of this book by Winn Schwartau started many of us thinking about the threat. The new edition continues to bring lessons on the threat relevant for corporations and governments.
- NIST on Conducting Risk Assessments: There are many NIST publications associated with security including frameworks for risk management and controls that should be implemented in organizations. But in our view Special Publication 800-30 is the one to go to for thinking through threat characterization.
- TheCyberThreat: Our own reference to the art and science of cyber threat intelligence. Learn about the adversary and inform your approach to cyber defense.
- ThingsCyber: Deep insights into the strategic cyber threat facing all who connect to the net. Track the cyber threat and lear the best remediation strategies.
- CrucialPointLLC: World class best advisory, security and analytics services.
- The history of espionage has never been more relevant to cybersecurity.
- Providing deep technical context on cyber threats and the tech environment they operate in.
- No nonsense tips on how to protect your information.
Also see our list of Threat Feeds, References, Cyber Intelligence Blogs, Government Cyber Intelligence Sources and Top Cyber Threat Reports. Also see Other Web References.
For deeper background on the changing environment the threat (and you) operate in, dive deep into Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Mobility, Big Data, Robotics, Internet of Things and Cybersecurity. Track those and more in the Things Cyber Tech Landscape.