We regard these blogs as “must-reads” for cyber threat intelligence:
- The Recorded Future Blog: Includes insights into the cyber threat from Web Intelligence
- Cyveillance Blog: Reporting on cyber intelligence with a focus on actionable information.
- OODAloop: Cyber and the critical threats associated with world events that can lead to predictions in cyber.
- CTOvision.com: Enterprise technology context and reporting including focus on cyber security and cyber intelligence technologies.
- MandiantBlog: Insights from a team in the fight.
- CERIAS Blog: Context from highly regarded strategic thinkers like Gene Spafford and Sam Liles. Informative on threat potential.
- Spytales.com: Everything that has happened before will happen again. Reading history can prepare you for the future.
- ThingsCyber: Tips and techniques for defending your home and your business from cyber threats.
- CrucialPointLLC: Our parent consultancy. Information on cybersecurity, technology due diligence consulting, and CTO advisory services.
Also see our list of Threat Feeds, References, Government Cyber Intelligence Sources and Top Cyber Threat Reports. Also see Other Web References.