The following are links to cyber threat studies and reports we believe to be of critical importance to informed cyber intelligence operations:
- Checkpoint Security Report: Yearly insights into threat actions especially malware and botnets
- Versign iDefense Cyber Threats and Trends: Provides overview of key cyber security trends over the last year.
- Cisco Midyear Security Report: Adversary trends from a Cisco perspective.
- Symantec Intelligence Report: Annual and monthly editions.
- Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report: Insights and analysis broadly collaborated across the community.
- Ponemon Institute Cost of Breach Study: Annual report on economics of breach and recovery.
- CyberEdge Cyber Threat Report: Survey’s IT professionals regarding state of defenses and perception of threat.
- Mandiant M-Trends Report: At times overshadowed by DBIR, but full of good info.
Also see our list of Threat Feeds, References, Cyber Intelligence Blogs, and Government Cyber Intelligence Sources.